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Saturday, June 14, 2008

ManoDogs: Back in Traction

Okay, so I'm exaggerating: I am not in traction. Although I am still bandaged-up and in pain (and quickly running out of pain pills...), I cannot stay off the computer. Hey, I managed it for about two days, so that's something!

I have been jotting down notes for posts to bring you, once I'm able to type more. It still stings/burns after I do too much and I can't seem to sleep for anything - probably because my arm is a club. Typing wears it out fast, but even just surfing around irritates it after an hour or so. I managed to bring you a few PRs along the way, at least - those that required no real introduction or anything.

I have also worked on tags and a few technical things (which you probably can't immediately tell) and edited a few posts here and there. One of the things I am working toward is getting back to leaving comments on the original post for updates; I used to do that because it just makes sense, but then I got into the habit of making a new post because most people don't bother to go back and check the original post after they've read it. Just so you know, this is the way things will be handled from here on unless a story changes dramatically. You may want to subscribe to the Comments of any story you want to follow.

Mainly though, I have just laid around and watched the same movies 345457567 times. This typing with one hand shit gets old quickly!

Anyway, I was hoping to finish some drafts for you, but they all need a lot more work than I feel like doing. Thanks again to Sean of ComicBookSecrets for all the help in the meantime.

I go back to the doc Wednesday for him to check it out. He'll at least undo the cast-thingy, but I don't know if he'll rewrap it or what, so I hope to be back by then, but can't promise anything. You probably can't tell from the photo, but the cast is twice the size of my arm and goes nearly to my elbow, so it isn't just that it hurts to type and mouse, it's also incredibly difficult and just plain uncomfortable. I had a pretty good pic which showed the cast in relation to my other arm - one I spent a long time fixing to make it good quality, yet small enough to load fast - and lost the damned thing somewhere between computers and folders... so, this is the best I can do for now. Still, you get an idea of what I'm dealing with here.

I can't get it wet and I really can't use it for much of anything, so I'm just stuck! It sucks. I'm going to organize my comics and do a few technical things that don't require much typing. This post took two days to write!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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