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Monday, December 15, 2008

Who Are the Dark Avengers?

Dark Avengers
© C Harris Lynn, 2008


Anonymous said...

I was commenting about the darker path marvel has taken. If you want to read it go to mavel_universe. Look at expanding my comment by M. Glen. any coments on whats coming down the pipe? Dark Avengers are just Normon Osbournes enforcers with avengers tech and what Captain America was afraid would happen.

Manodogs said...

Hey man,

I'll keep an eyeball out and send a msg to Marvel to provide me with more details. Honestly, I did not follow Secret Invasion and have made a conscious effort to disavow myself of all those major crossover events due to the price of comic books these days.

But this is what I do and I'll be glad to try and find out more for you.

Thanks for writing and hope to see you around more often!