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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Project Fasteners

I went to the free local art class they had today and really enjoyed it. I actually learned a bit, too! But a lot of the stuff I learned, I kinda already knew from my previous studies, I had just forgotten it - in a sense. The lesson today was on light sources and, like I say, I have gone over and over light sources in Art courses and books my entire life, so I pretty much knew what the instructor was explaining, but I hadn't thought much about it since probably highschool. It was good to have the refresher.

Another thing that struck me was when he talked about work holding. He had us tape our papers down and even though that's something I do every time I work at the table, I haven't specifically thought about it in years, either. It was funny to hear others discuss it around me. But work holding is an essential part of most art projects, especially 3-D pieces.

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