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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Four Arrested Over Comics Riots

Four Muslim extremists have been jailed over their parts in the demonstrations over cartoons run in Denmark papers which showed renderings of what was proposed to be the Prophet, Mohammed. The four men denied holding extremist views, even though all were pictured in Daishikis or whatever it is extreme Muslims wear (all that loose cloth and so on) and affected beards. And don’t even start in on how that’s “stereotyping” or “prejudice;” it just isn’t.

The judge in the case said that these mens’ words were designed to promote murder and terrorism. Three of the men were jailed on counts of incitement; the fourth was imprisoned for “inciting hatred.”

Of course, this is Europe, where things like this actually matter. In America, none of this would have happened. In fact, if anything, these four men would still be free while the media - led by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the ACLU, and so forth - decided what should be done. And, of course, they would decide that incitement of hatred is a matter of free speech. Then everything would come to a screeching halt, the Democrats would Filibuster any further actions, the Republicans would try to add 23497324987 addendums to any action (23497324986 of which would be in the interests of Big Business), two of the men would already have somehow made it back to their home countries where they have diplomatic immunity or whatever...

At any rate, there remains the question of whether or not these mens’ imprisonment will teach them that their actions were wrong and will not be accepted, or if they will simply use the time to pray and read more of their religious documents, which I’m quite sure they are allowed to have in prison.

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