
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Michael Moore is Al Sharpton

We need to talk, you and I. We need to talk about seals and suckers, about mustaches and their waxes; we need to talk about a great many things, but the first and foremost point I need to make to you right now, so long as I have you ear, is this:

Michael Moore is a living asshole and nothing more.

Michael Moore is a liar and an editor, not a "filmmaker" or "director."

He manufactures his own drama; he creates the "controversy" he claimingly "courts." The Paris Hilton of the film-making industry, he knows very damned well where the line is drawn and he consciously chooses to cross it whenever it is convenient for him. If being an "outlaw" didn't promote his film, Michael Moore would be just another drive-thru McDonald's customer. He has no balls, no real feelings, and is nothing more than a sociopath.

Michael Moore has a very specific agenda and his name is on every Action Point on that Bulletin.

Michael Moore is a pornographer in the truest sense of the word: he doesn't give a shit about you, me, or anyone else; he will court any controversy to get press because decent people won't have him. He can't get on talk shows because he can't act right.

He's a Sociopath.

Michael Moore is a Sociopath.

Michael Moore edits and splices film and interviews to make his own points, even when the statements he is using are taken out of context. Ask Trey and Matt from South Park. He's a liar and a pariah, and that's why he has to create his own problems; he can't get "good" press.

In this day of anti-Imus, I sincerely wish you - maybe some of you - will stand up and say, "We respect the rights of truly talented people and we respect their right to offend us; we think Michael Moore should be beached on another country and left for dead."

This guy's a total liar, guys. He cozies up to people like you and me and plays nice, then twists our words and makes us out to be on his side, when we would never condone the types of things he does nor stands for. This guy is a really bad guy and he needs to get hit.


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