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Friday, June 11, 2010

The Flavor of Pringles

Sorry guys. My "summer cold" - the one I've been fighting since about March or April - is actually a "severe sinus infection" and I'm on antibiotics which are burning me up with fever. Literally; I am literally burning-up with fever. I have the AC on high and two fans on high in front of me and I can barely think straight.

I'll get a few things out, and may even get to feeling well enough to get back to work (they said this was normal and usually goes away within a day or two), but gimme an hour or two. Thanks.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

I'm doing what I can, guys. I'm still pretty effed-up. I'll post through the weekend though. This is the same infection I've been fighting for months, and this big round of antibiotics and all is supposed to solve it once and for all!

Keep your eyes crossed.