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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reviews Wolfen

Wolfen begins as a horror flick, but make no mistakes: Wolfen is not a horror flick; Wolfen is a crime procedural with a supernatural twist. Even that latter bit gets toned-down to be better explained as the product of a belief system, leaving the viewer to wonder just how much supernatural was involved in the first place.

The acting is great, the writing is average, and the direction is inspired for its time, but Wolfen fails with its horror-cum-crime story approach and forced love story. It also lacks the requisite amount of gore most people would consider for either a procedural or horror film.

Either way, Wolfen is slow-paced, slow-moving, and has less supernatural than your average episode of Barney. It actually doesn't play poorly, especially in this day and age of procedurals, but it isn't anything I can openly commit to recommending.

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

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