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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Lohan Arrested for Partying, Drunk-Driving

I mean really, is this even news anymore? I told you earlier in the week that someone from Lohan's camp approached a vodka company about sponsoring her 21st birthday party, which she said she was thinking of holding in Las Vegas. Perfect spot for a 21 year old alcoholic with a drug habit. Perfect place.

Anyway, she ran her Mercedes up on a curb in Beverly Hills and they found cocaine in the car. She was arrested on charges of "suspicion of drunk driving." She was not held, but sent to a hospital to receive treatment for minor injuries. Two other passengers were in the car with her but were not harmed.

Lohan, an admitted AA member, just got out of rehab in January.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against famous party people - I have nothing against partying, in general - I mean, that's what famous people do. I have always said I liked the old Hollywood, where people did drugs and drank on stage, smoked cigarettes, and told off-color jokes; I find the new Hollywood truly hollow. But for eff's sake, if you're going to party and drink and carouse, at least have the decency to stand up and say, "So what? People drink. Actresses in Hollywood do cocaine. This should not surprise anyone."

Why go to rehab and claim to be clean when you're not facing possible jail time if you don't? Stand up and tell people to eff-off and let you live your life; don't buy into their crap, where everyone who gets drunk is automatically an alcoholic and needs treatment.

Alcohol makes you drunk - hello? So what if you get a little loosey-goosey from time to time when you've been drinking? That's what makes it fun; that's why people drink to begin with! But don't check in and out of rehab. It's insulting the intelligence of your fans... wait.

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