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Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The Game That Wasn't

Last year, I ran an AD&D game for a couple of friends online. We used an overly complicated system involving Skype and AIM, but this was before Google Hangouts even existed. Despite rushed but rather remarkable preparation, the game simply never got off the ground.

It happens. I was a little overly prepared and not really used to thinking on my feet at the time - it had been several years since I'd run a game - plus, I was a little flustered over the system, which I hadn't visited for years prior to this.

All told though, it was the anal way in which I persisted on running the game that did it in. That and the fact that my players were busy with computer video games while they were supposed to be paying attention... Whose fault that was I care not to guess. It may have been the reason the game was so bad, or merely a symptom of it, but whatever the case, the AD&D game had a lot of good information that I hope to put on the site one of these days. Hopefully it will be useful to players of all editions, but since the newest one is supposed to be somewhat "backward compatible," I'm hoping it really proves useful to newer players.

I have no ETA for this, I just wanted to mention that the game never got the chance it deserved. It did, however, inspire a short story and some good notes on Greyhawk and one of the lesser-explored areas of the land.

© C Harris Lynn, 2012

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