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Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Werewolf in Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel RPG (UniSystem)

2- or 11-12-point Quality

Werewolves, like vampires, lack a little bite in the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel RPG from Eden. That is, they're a bit overpowered without the attendant Drawbacks that round-out the werewolves we know and love, both from traditional folklore and movies and TV. You need both books to accurately play a Werewolf, vampire, or the game (honestly). These Drawbacks do not just balance-out the package or XP costs though, they also provide a lot of plot hooks for possible gameplay and interesting narratives.

Werewolves all have Uncontrollable Power -5, Supernatural Form (Dual) -1, and Secret -2 (or -1, GM's determination). They also receive Regeneration at +3 (per minute). This makes the total XP cost for the Werewolf package (BtVS, p.51) 2 points (0 with Package Bonus, if you allow a Package Bonus for non-profession Packages), or 11-12 points with full control over transformation/Supernatural Form.

Some other good Drawbacks for Werewolves include Emotional Problems, Mental Problems, Outcast (-3, ARPG Core, p. 44, which replaces Misfit -2 [BRPG Core, p.43]), and Reckless. Werewolves tend to distance themselves from others, especially those they love, to protect them, so Dependent is not a good fit.

We also missed-out on a full wolf-form write-up for the general wolfie. Although the werewolves on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show (WB) rarely went full-on wolf, we never got an Angel/Buffy Bestiary, so here's one for good measure:



LP    66       Combat    18
Brains    7   Muscle    16
Leap    6'/7h

Animal Instinct/[Savagery] 3
Acute Senses (+3 PCN Smell)
Situational Awareness
H2K x2 (+2 LP/+6** ST [Survival Tests])
AV 2—Fur/Leather
Bite 8 LP
Slam-Tackle (Pounce) 4 LP
+2'/2h Jump (Pounce)
- Pounce Combo Leap, Slam-Tackle, and Bite 6'/7h 12 LP
Tactics 1 (2 for Alpha**)
Tough (Increased LP) +10 LP
Sports 4
Notice 2

MUSCLE 12 (+1)
COMBAT 21 [18+Savagery] (+5[/+4])
BRAINS 6 (-2)
Jump 6'/7h (4'/5h)


* Technically, Gray Wolf.
** +1 STR, INT, H2K, Tactics 1 for Alpha Wolf

If you are converting this to your favorite game system, the MUSCLE, COMBAT, and BRAINS scores should convert directly into 3d6/d20.

© The Weirding, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Batman #153

Batman #153

I have to admit, I haven't read Batman in a few years now. I always pull a copy of the milestone issues and so forth for collecting, but I haven't actually read them in a while. I love that cover, though.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Ghosts in Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel RPG

Train of Ghosts

-9 Drawback (Unwilling Ghost)

Supernatural Form: Def. Not Human -2
FFS +2
 [Attractiveness -2]**
Uncontrollable Power -5
Reduced Dmg: Everything / 10 +50
Physical Disability: Imprisoned - Specific -50
Invisible +20
Physical Disability: Incorporeal -20
Immortal 0
Total Cost -9

The Ghost is physically and Astrally limited to a specific locale, such as a house, room, or even bottle (in the case of a djinn, which is what any Supernatural that can cast spells would be if contained in a lamp, bottle, Critters like Bigfoot are akin, as they might be "Contained" to "Wildlands" or "Swamps in Florida," but at a reduced Drawback point total. If the Ghost tries to traverse beyond the boundaries of the specific locale, he finds himself teleported somewhere randomly back into his confined space.

Imprisoned is a new Drawback at three levels: Regional (-10), Area (-20), and Specific (-50). Regional includes large-scale regions, such as "Mid-South," "Tri-State area," or "The Pine Barrens;" Area is more enclosed, such as a city block, a neighborhood, a named mall or shopping center (usually abandoned or unoccupied) and its parking lot, a certain road; and Specific is a confined area, such as a bottle, room, or house.

I created two new Physical Disabilities, as even the 8-point maximum was not enough to cover our Astral issue; after all, a quadriplegic has at least some technological and/or magical means of overcoming her Drawback. The point here is that our ghost is an unwilling one, perhaps the victim of a spell like Soul Reave (Monster Smackdown, p.122) which, at PL 10 with no QuickCast, is unlikely.

Incorporeal encompasses the inability to handle objects, speak or communicate with others, or even walk on solid floors (if you want to get deep in the weeds). The -20 offsets the +20 Invisibility Ghosts are forced to take, which is a Drawback in this case. -20 is also suggested for debilitating issues like Autism,, as the effects are much the same. In fact, the stepped system should work for MLS,, without the need for new additions, specifically addressing them.*

There are a lot of new Qualities and Drawbacks, as well as Spells and Supernatural Abilities, associated with spirits in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel TTRPG that I developed using the Cinematic UniSystem, as well as my own house brew. I'll be posting a lot of them for Halloween. Already, there is Restore Soul (MB, p.71) and Spirit Calling (Magic Box, p.73-74), along with a couple, few others.

Scoobies are likely to find Unwilling Ghosts sympathetic to their attempts to dispel the Damned, and may even be the focus of their investigation. Sadly, without the help of some major magickery, releasing the Unwilling Ghost does not resurrect the dead.

17-point Quality (Willing)

Supernatural Form: Dual -1
FFS +1 (in Supernatural Form)
 [Attractiveness (in Supernatural Form) -1]**
Reduced Damage: Everything / 2 +5
Invisibility +20
Major Vuln. Silver (WPRx5 LP) -3
Minor Vuln. Religious Ritual/Symbols (2xWPR) -2
Major Vuln. Circle of Binding -3
Minor Vuln. Spirit Calling (Need 2 SL to Resist) -2
Minor Supernatural Attack (2d10 LP, Close) Chill Touch +4

This is more Supernatural as Superhero than canon, although the TV shows used the same device ad nauseam, and we are playing Cinematic UniSystem. If you forego the Vulnerabilities, the TC is 24. But, again, that's total superhero using the Supernatural as the source of its powers, which kind of misses the purpose and flavor of the game. However, even I might allow such a thing, if you want to pay 24 points for it.

Further development will include an Astral Projection variation of the willing Ghost. 

Happy Halloween!


* I don't mean to be tone-deaf, but inclusive.
** Keep in mind that we use FRIGHT, FEAR, SHOCK (FFS) rolls instead of ATTractiveness as our Fear system, so even though I'm listing the ATT penalties, that's just the critter's appearance; instead, that penalty is added to the critter's FFS, which is subtracted from the Frightened character's FEAR test. Ukkleh people scare me, too, but that whole system just seems r*cist. We can't be r*cist at ukkleh people anymore; they just ukkleh.

© The Weirding, 2024

Monday, October 14, 2024

Fleshing-Out the Vampire for Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG

Angel RPG
Angel RPG

The '90s vampire was sensitive, yet soulless. This concept was probably best typified in the 2000s with the Twilight series, however the Buffyverse had already trod that ground in several mediums the decade before. The vampire leads of the Buffyverse swung from one extreme to the other, week to week; they were The Big Bads one week, the wispy, romantic leads the next. After poring over the core Buffy the Vampire Slayer rulesbooks, I managed to draw-up a better package for both types of vamps (good and bad)—one that makes sense, and also defangs the overpowered vampire, whether good or bad.

Firstly, despite the fact that it's a very entertaining show, Buffy fawns over vampires, turning them into superheroes instead of monsters. Unless she dispatches them, in which case, they are rarely much of a threat in the first place. It's a dichotomy which simply does not make sense. This is carried over into the RPG, where vampires as a package (12-15 pts., Core, p.50) receive quite a few bonuses but no drawbacks. To be fair, Angel and Buffy together is the system, as Angel covers a lot of the ground the original BtVS RPG skipped, such as the Drawback: Vulnerability. To be even fairer, almost none of the packages contain Drawbacks, and there was no Package Bonus (I made one, though).

Vampires have a lot of Vulnerabilities that fall under the maximum -5 limit: Vulnerability to sunlight, stakes through the heart, religious symbols, beheading, and the fact that they must be invited into someone's home. They also suffer a -5 Habitual Addiction to Blood, and have Superhuman Form (Dual) for -1. Finally, Vampires receive the +0 Immortal (ARPG, p.52) Advantage. That's a total of -11, making the Vampire package's total cost between 1-4 pts! Now that is pretty scary.

A more replete write-up includes a trip down Emotional and Mental Problems Lane, but I'll save that for another time.

© The Weirding, 2024