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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Welcome to Vincent


Magic Factor 4 vs. Ritual Magic (WPR);
Occult Lore for Research/Investigation of spells (PCN)

PL 2
Sz. 3
AG (Agriculture): 3
RESources 3 3 2 1
MORale: -2
ER: 3 Emergency Response; Fire, LE, Hospitals, Clinics - Response Time 2d10(+7) min.
STR: 5 Military OV/DV 1 Arena (Battlefield - Northgate Port).
EDU (Education): 4
POL (Policy): 3 Socialist Democracy
DIR (Direction): 3 Goal, purpose. ♠ Resources-driven (Economic, Development)
Magic Factor: (5 World) 4 (-1 MF)
Faith: 1 1 monument.
Crime: 8
Weather: 2
Transportation: 3
Broadcast, Spotty Coverage (Dead Zone) +3

Vincent is The Weirding's contribution to the Chill RPG; it is a modern, urban setting beset by enmity, schism, and deep division. While all other Chill settings are located in the North-East, Vincent is a port city-state located somewhere on the Eastern seaboard. Here are a few indicators that you are in Vincent, proper:

WXPO: W-XPO is the pop and talk radio station of the city, as it is in all cityscapes from The Weirding. In fact, most things are the same as on The Islands; AM Coastal is the talk radio show of the city, just as it is across The Islands.
Network 21: The TV station with the highest percentage of youth viewers.
Network News 54: The news station to which most people tune when something happens.

WitchCult Today is available at DataTerms and newsstands in Vincent.
UFO Today is also available.
The Vincent Chronicler is the local, daily newspaper. Subscriptions available.
Horoscopes, Inc. is sold in Vincent. Subscriptions available.
Weekly World News is available at DataTerms everywhere.
The S-mart Shopper and Night City Shopper are ubiquitous.

There is an S-Mart on every corner, and you can always Shop Smart™ from your phone or DataTerm connection. Death metal blares from most nightclubs; Classic Rock dad-jams its way onto the street from hole-in-the-wall bars; and Chromer rock glams and glides from the Corp-heavy, neon-soaked airbars and humidors.

Vincent uses the Narrow Skills System with a handful of exceptions, including Art and Survival, and has a Magic Factor of 4. The Gandarewa holds particular sway throughout the city-state. Occult Lore is a prerequisite for researching spells (PCN) and, although anyone can participate in ritual spellcasting, actual spellcasters must test their Ritual Magic (modified by the spell's Potency) each time they cast them.

Central Character is disallowed (unless all PCs agree to purchasing it); the rules for Resolve, including Horror Sense (Chill Companion, p.124) and Faith (CC, p.123-124), are employed.

The city-state is dominated by two existing gateways into and out of the city: Northgate (entrance) and Eastgate (Exit to port). These gates are holdovers from when the city-state was held by Union soldiers - an opposed occupation, though the city was not directly involved in the Civil War. This schism exists even today. Eastgate houses more of the upper-crust, while Northgate's neighborhoods are dominated by violence, unchecked crime, and general lack of attention. The Evil Way's sway over the region, and its pre-existing socio-economic, historical, and political divisions, make it a great place for Critters and Things to set-up shop, as many do.

EVERYMAN: Computer - S, Driving - S, Mathematics 10%, 1 Familiarity Skill +10% (Can be an existing skill, usually Professional).

The Mayfair edition introduced Narrow Skills in the Chill Companion, which is essential to running the game, but the packages write-ups largely ignored Narrow Skills. New write-ups for the character packages will be presented along the way; I'm sure the third edition addresses some of the gaps, but I do not yet have it. Skills like Climbing, Swimming, and Throw Unbalanced Object were eliminated as being redundant; those are simple AGL and DEX tests, and only become Skills if you are specialized (mountain-climber) or competitive (marathon participant). Also, most players are likely to choose a Professional skill as their Everyman Familiarity, so the packages have to be recalculated anyway.

PCs receive the Standard Equipment Pack 1990 from Chill, p.148, with a standard smartphone replacing much of it: The pen and paper, envelopes, camera, and recording device, CMs may consider having the smartphone replace one or both of the homing devices, but not necessarily. You can include a laptop, but it is not necessary; just assume the latest in cellphone design and technology.

Just like The Islands, cellphone coverage in Vincent is spotty, at best; it's, like, forever going out, and you're lucky when you find a good connection. That's something you might want to map out!

The architecture is largely Art Deco with lots of Victorian themes. Were it not for the Civil War and the bitterly-contested Union Occupation, the Victorian Age would have continued to blossom throughout Vincent. That Age has given way to squalor, leaving behind, as witnesses, the gargoyles overhanging crime-ridden streets overshadowed by Evil.

© The Weirding, 2024

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

I apologize for the formatting, but this was taken from notes in another program and ported over. Please let me know if you're still having trouble reading it. Thanks!