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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Bell, Book, and Candle - Accoutrement for BtVS/Angel

Sadly, we never got a reliable price guide nor equipment book with Buffy or Angel. The following comes from my own system and book entitled, Bell, Book, and Candle, in which you will find all sorts of accoutrement for spellcasters and their trade, as well as other products (some of which are under copyright and TM¹) that I link to here and/or elsewhere as an affiliate. 

These prices and BON assume the equipment was purchased from a reputable Occult source: Think DæmonsDæmonsDæmons, not S-Mart™.

Tarot Cards AVAIL:10 50¥ +1 Spirit Calling (Magic Box, p.73-74), Divination
Handcarved Wooden Carrying Box 175¥
Handcarved Ivory Carrying Box 500¥
Set AVAIL:10 200¥, 500¥

Crystal Ball 2" AVAIL:13 1000¥
Crystal Ball 3" AVAIL:15 5000¥ +1 Divination, Spirit Calling
Crystal Ball 4
" AVAIL:17 15,000¥ +3 Divination, Spirit Calling

Séance Table AVAIL:20 25k¥ +3 Spirit Calling

Spirit Calling is the Cinematic UniSystem's Séance, needing three casters to touch pinkies while summoning and communing with the dead. Should they be startled, at GM fiat, DEX checks to maintain the circle may be required. Speaking of circles, clever Investigators will have already cast and drawn the ornate Circle of Binding (MB, p.83), to either kite the ghost into it or protect themselves from possible harm.

Confess PL 5

Compel the Spirit to Speak Truth. After a minor recitation, the Spirit is compelled to speak the truth without lying or omitting any detail, for one minute per Success Level. Confess pits the spellcaster's (WPR+PL[5]) against the target's (WPR+INT), not (WPRx2). The compelled target resists only if she garners more SL than the Confessor. Confess also works on people, but we're focusing our efforts on Spirits and Spirit Calling. The caster's (INT+Sorcery) must meet or exceed the value of the PL (5); the caster's (INT+Ritual Magic) must be 25+ to learn this spell (Chill). Confess is located in several books, but mostly those directed at or focused on witches.

And accoutrements; here's some more modern-day stuff your Charmed Cinematic Unisystem PCs might need:

Pack of Smokes 15¥
Handcarved Wooden Cigarette Case 75¥
Handcarved Ivory Cigarette Case 575¥
Ceramic Cigarette Case 175¥

Lottery Ticket 5-25¥
WitchCult Today 15¥ (Print), 10¥ (Screamsheet)

1 Hex = 1 yard/1 meter or approx. 3' (5' in A/D&D)

Big-Assed Pistol AVAIL:15 1500¥

Ammo AVAIL:13 25¥
License AVAIL:13 500¥

Big-Assed Pump X-Bow    AVAIL:15    750¥
A larger version of the X
-Bow (not included in this post), also uses a larger clip.
Ammo: Bolts; target
3¥ e., Razor tip 5¥ e. (AVAIL:15), Carbon Razor 15¥ e. (AVAIL:17), this price includes the shaft which can, like the Big-Assed Pump Crossbow itself, be aluminum, fiberglass, or wood.
Getting Medieval
Wt: 8lb.
Mag: 6/10 round clip
35¥    AVAIL:13

Bolt Type     ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
Target Bolt   PA     2         -     4     6/10  1     -      30*
Razor Tip      PA     3         -     4     6/10  1     -      30*
Carbon Razor PA  3         1-Nil 4 6/10  1      -     30*

*Can be fitted with a scope (not included), add +15 hex to range.

Binoculars Light Amplification, MiliTech: Light Amplification Binoculars amplifies ambient light. Providing there is some light available, the character using them sees as though it were daylight; they are useless in total darkness and during daylight hours.
2lb.  1500¥ AVAIL (S/C)

Standard, Czech State Factories Spotter: The Standard Laser Rangefinder is a hand-held monocular. It measures distances up to 500h. It requires 1 ACT and the use of one of the character's hands.
400¥ AVAIL (C/S/M15)

Their inclusion herein is no challenge to their holding, just an attempt to sell some books (both mine and those of others'). The Dark Conspiracy equipment and stats was modified slightly for use and comes from Gear Up!

© The Weirding, 2024

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