
Monday, January 22, 2007

New Horror Channel for DirecTV - Dresden Files - Frisky Dingo

The new Chiller, exclusive to DirecTV, will debut March 1st. NBC Universal has entered a deal to allow the network to carry their movies, such as Psycho and The Shining, as well as television series, such as Alfred Hitchcock Presents and Twin Peaks.

In further scary-type news, Sci-Fi Channel's The Dresden Files premiered tonight. It centers on Harry Dresden, a wizard-cum-detective, who uses his magical abilities to solve crimes and save Innocents (to borrow from Charmed).

It was pretty good. I wouldn't say I was blown away or anything, but it wasn't bad at all. The characters are likable and the stories have a definite plot. It's too early to make the call, but I think Dresden Files stands a pretty fair shot at a good run. We may even get a few made-for-TV special movies out of it, to boot!

It's more serious than the other "occult" -based shows, including Hex. That sounds worse than it should because most all the other series purposely inject humor to appeal to a younger demographic; they play largely on the pop-culture of the last decade, when smart-assed, "hip" horror came back into fashion (with Scream).

I noticed that Dresden Files is based on a series of books by writer, Jim Butcher. I've never read any of them, but a lot of peripheral characters were introduced in the premiere. I'm assuming most or all of them will figure prominently in later episodes. You could tell there was some good history and a definite backstory to get into, and I'm looking forward to it.

Was last night the season finale for Frisky Dingo?! I like that it was a cliffhanger, but only to the extent that I want to see more. I hate the fact that it was a cliffhanger because with [adult swim], you never know if you're going to see more. And if we get to see more Dingo (I HOPE and BEG!), it may be next season. Or it may be 9 years from now...

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