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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Chill Horror RPG

Okay, I got the titles fixed over on the Chill section and I would love any and all feedback anyone has to give. Feel free to comment here or in The Speakeasy. I would love to get some action going on up in that junt, but it takes a while for forums to get going and I hate that we had to drop the old package and you all lost your accounts...

Here's what's going on with Chill: I am going to work on it exclusively (you know, to the exclusion of other departments, excepting the blogs) for whatever that's worth. I realize y'all can't see all the work that's going on behind the scenes and it sounds like I'm making a bunch of excuses for why there isn't a lot of new content, but I'm really not. If you know anything about web design, you know how much goes into every last graphic, every last layout decision, and so forth. It's the same as with a magazine, book, or any other print publication, actually; it is not unusual to spend several hours just picking the right placement, color scheme, and so forth for the ads, let alone the actual content!

But what's going down with Chill is that most of this stuff is from like highschool and just after - a lot of what I am going through is something like 15 years old and I haven't actively played Chill in at least 10 years or so. The last bit I messed with was from the new 3.0 version, and since it hasn't hit the markets yet, we can't provide support for it... I mean, what good would it do if we did, anyway? So I am having to relearn the Mayfair edition, not to mention my own notes! When I kept them, I obviously knew the system and campaign very well and my memory is not as sharp as it used to be. This being the case, a lot of what I thought I would be able to just type into the computer and publish is taking longer than I expected.

But I'm having a lot of fun doing it, so it won't be all that long. Of course, in the meantime, I am looking into sub-domains and moving the blogs around and all of that noise, not to mention trying to keep up with them in the meantime! That's why things have been a bit slower here than usual lately, but I am proud of what I have accomplished - remember that my XP computer went down and I had to basically start over from scratch since then on a Win 98 box! So, not too shabby from my POV.

There will be more PRs tonight because they are getting too old and I can't just sit on them forever... but I don't know exactly when you should be looking for them; I'll get to them when I get to them. I am going to get back to work on the Chill material right now.


Ken said...


Good job so far. I've decided to kind of do the same thing and add a blog for my Chill website, Chill:The Crusade. Also, I feel your pain, I've been working frantically on getting the campaign logs transcribed and up on the site. It's a pain in the A$$, but well worth it in the long run.

Anyhoo, keep up the good work!

Also, in your campaigns, did you use Ritual Magic? We're, or rather my character, starting to use it a lot lately and I've been researching what information that I can find on it. Send an email to Doc Toc, as he had mentioned someone from his campaign had some elaborate rules on it, but didn't get a response as of yet.

Manodogs said...

Thanks so much, Arcanos! There is a whole lot more to come, I just got sidetracked with this Google PR thing...

Yes, we did use Ritual Magic - that is to say that, like VooDoo, it was there, but no one really fooled with it. The PCs had it used against them more than a few times, but I'm not sure if they knew it wasn't the Evil Way.

That is part of what held me back on the rest of the content, apart from just the time involved. I love the rules for Ritual Magic as they stand, but I may have a tweak or two in there (I can't remember), but I had forgotten them. I am trying to relearn them as best I can so I can get all the rules for the books up. How to use the books is up, but the actual books I designed are not.

What I'm working on now is the mythos and mythology behind the campaign and some of the creatures. What I think I'll do is contact Hyrum and ask a few questions before I get too deep into all of this, because I know some things are different in 3.0 and I would like for the stuff to be fairly congruent. I know they are two different systems, but it's a hell of a lot of work to say, "Ignore all of that - it's just for 2nd-Ed!"

Again, thanks for the feedback! How do I contact Doc Toc? I'll check the playtest group, but you guys should join The Speakeasy - I can keep up with the conversations easier there! :cD

Ken said...


Thanks for your reply and thanks for turning me on to Blogger. It's WAY better than what I was using for my website and a LOT easier to post to, especially since it is part of Google and my primary home for email (GMAIL)! I was searching for something better and your blog was just what I was looking for and SO much easier to use.

As far as Chill, I am part of the playtest group and was helping in the beginning, but then certain people in the group were just getting ridiculous, so I backed off. I hope like hell v3 comes out, as I'll definitely buy it. I kind of hope that Hyrum is smart enough not to waste the money on printed books and just goes straight to PDF. It's a lot easier to store, especially since I have too many books in the first place and ended up buying a 3rd backup of the Mayfair books from DriveThru RPG.

I'm not for sure if you've checked out my site yet, but it's semi-rounded, more egg shaped at the moment as there are about 25 +/-campaign logs that need to be transcribed that will fill everyone in on what's happening. Actually, Shannon, my CM, decided to do away with SAVE, as he felt, and I agreed with him, that in our past campaigns SAVE was too highly relied upon. He came up with "The Crusade". From a player's perspective, it seems to me to be a high level government organization with quite a twist. I'm, or should I say my character is, getting closer to knowing more about the core of The Crusade, but as for now, I know that the Directors were Angels, be it Nephilim, Grigori or even decendents thereof. The Directors were responsible for certain areas of the world and organize the various teams within The Crusade. Anyone who has abilities of The Arts (we call them The Powers) has Angel blood flowing in their veins. Other than what's on the website, I really don't know too much about The Crusade, as it's the type of thing where you send an email request and either get a response or someone comes knocking on the door. My character's father is pretty high up in the rankings and started out as a consultant for the Roswell incident, which you'll read about below.

At the present, a major demon known as Ahriman from the Zoroastrian mythos, which you can look up on Wikipedia, has either killed or sent all of the Directors into hiding. At present, only my character and a few others have been presented with Directorship [Oh yeah! :(]. Ahriman is the major nemesis at present and has caused all sorts of mayhem. We've also come across Bloody Mary and the Order of the Denarians. I recently found out that Bloody Mary was a part of them. If you've read The Dresden Files books, you'll know who they are, but if not, they demons trapped in the 30 Denari coins that were paid to Judas for betraying Christ. Have you noticed a lot of Religious materials in the campaign? Trust me, I've did a lot of research and bought a LOT of books to keep up with Shannon.

Members of The Crusade have received a special laptop, kind of like the SAVE kit, which has a continuous connection to the Internet no matter where they're located. Come to find out, the laptops, known as M5k's, are nothing more than dumb terminals, like those connected to a mainframe, which are connected to the Angel Metatron, God's scribe, who had been captured in Roswell, NM in the late 40's. I'm sure you're seeing where this is going!

Anywho, with Metatron being a very large Angel, his blood has been more or less put on tap. My character has had to save others by taking the blood, whenever he can come across it, and injecting it into others, as it has a major healing effect.

We've also ran into other Demons, like Beezelbub, who has been summoned into the body of a dead boy, at forced request by an English mob family known as the Crays. They wanted the boy brought back to life, not necessarily with a demon possessing the body. One of the NPC Crusade members, whose a Angel/Demon-ologist, was forced to do this along with two other cohorts, otherwise they would have been killed. This had been part of his history. Julian Stockwell is his name. Shannon based him off of Constantine.

I wanted to give you a taste of the campaign that I'm currently in. It's VERY fulfilling, as you can imagine and is only a two person campaign to boot! Just in case, here's the address:

BTW, did I hear/read you correctly, you're not involved in a campaign?


Manodogs said...

Man, that sounds fantastic! Just so you know, you are more than always welcome here - or anywhere else I decide to lay down my knapsack and call home. I did send a few folk your way earlier today, I have just been very bust trying to get out more of the Chill Mythos section tonight. That's why there weren't so many posts today.

I am overwhelmed that you chose to share your campaign with us! Thank you again!

The Weirding Sucks, but you guys are more than welcome to come hang out around it! I am not in a campaign currently, but I honestly can't say I have the time to engage upon one right now. I absolutely love the ideas you set forth here; it sounds like a blast!

Let me see if Hyrum and co. want to pre-approve what I'm about to publish and I'll give you first-look so y'all can tell me what you think. By the time you see them, they'll just be "mock-ups" - like text with misspellings and "This is where and Ad goes" stuff, but you let me know what you think and we'll take it from there.

I'm really more into designing and laying-out campaign materials nowadays than I am actually playing. But I'm not against the idea, and I have only ever tried to play a RPG-by-e-mail once and it was a disaster, so I may be a little biased (that was back in... the '90s!).

Keep on keeping-on and keep in touch! This was a joy to read and thanks again for sharing!

I'll link to your site more, I promise. Just keep updating!