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Monday, October 14, 2024

Fleshing-Out the Vampire for Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG

Angel RPG
Angel RPG

The '90s vampire was sensitive, yet soulless. This concept was probably best typified in the 2000s with the Twilight series, however the Buffyverse had already trod that ground in several mediums the decade before. The vampire leads of the Buffyverse swung from one extreme to the other, week to week; they were The Big Bads one week, the wispy, romantic leads the next. After poring over the core Buffy the Vampire Slayer rulesbooks, I managed to draw-up a better package for both types of vamps (good and bad)—one that makes sense, and also defangs the overpowered vampire, whether good or bad.

Firstly, despite the fact that it's a very entertaining show, Buffy fawns over vampires, turning them into superheroes instead of monsters. Unless she dispatches them, in which case, they are rarely much of a threat in the first place. It's a dichotomy which simply does not make sense. This is carried over into the RPG, where vampires as a package (12-15 pts., Core, p.50) receive quite a few bonuses but no drawbacks. To be fair, Angel and Buffy together is the system, as Angel covers a lot of the ground the original BtVS RPG skipped, such as the Drawback: Vulnerability. To be even fairer, almost none of the packages contain Drawbacks, and there was no Package Bonus (I made one, though).

Vampires have a lot of Vulnerabilities that fall under the maximum -5 limit: Vulnerability to sunlight, stakes through the heart, religious symbols, beheading, and the fact that they must be invited into someone's home. They also suffer a -5 Habitual Addiction to Blood, and have Superhuman Form (Dual) for -1. Finally, Vampires receive the +0 Immortal (ARPG, p.52) Advantage. That's a total of -11, making the Vampire package's total cost between 1-4 pts! Now that is pretty scary.

A more replete write-up includes a trip down Emotional and Mental Problems Lane, but I'll save that for another time.

© The Weirding, 2024

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