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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

On BtVS Conversions and Original Content

What I'm posting is far from sacrosanct, and several items are even dead-wrong. I'm going through, building these posts with more information as I come across it (or come up with it), and making corrections as I go. I'm working mostly from notes and I don't even remember what some entries mean or to what they refer.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG is really confusing at times. And, although I have the core books for the series and WitchCraft, converting between a weirdly hybrid d10/d20 system can be a real pain.

So, you may wind-up with write-ups that are more Empyrean, Fuzion, or Champions, or some kind of hybrid as I go. All you really need is what I'm giving you, though; few Critters necessitate a full write-up, but I do them anyway so I can better determine their d20 QuickSheet scores. The QuickSheet is all you need for the majority of Critters however, and I'm trying to maintain the d10 system because I prefer it to d20, so I'm converting a lot from other games systems.

And, despite the fact that there is a lot of math involved, and several sub-systems, I'm having to eyeball these numbers, by and large, so changing them could lead to disaster or could result in something just right for you and your game.

I guess I could have spared myself some typing (and you, some reading) simply by saying: The conversions are probably not the best and I'd be shocked to hear that no one is able to do them better; more "official" outlets likely have better write-ups of some of the same things I cover; and I'm working from notes and other documents taken over the course of several years, so it's easy to lose track of things, but they do work. If you find a better write-up, please share with me in the comments. I'm always looking for new stuff for my games, too.

 © The Weirding, 2024

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