I apologize for some of the comics posts that were published early, and erronesouly, retroactively in February. I am experiencing some browser issues, so I had to switch browsers and am still working things out.
By the time you read this, Disney+' Daredevil Born Again will have premiered and I will have more to say on it, but this is being written days before it premieres. I know all about Disney's political news and am no fan of their recent decisions, so I can only hope for the best. I don't even care about Marvel these days, but I still love Daredevil.
Demiplane and Roll20 are now integrated one-way (Demiplane to Roll20).
I might take a look at Eden's City of Heroes, a superpowered TTRPG that I think is based on the Cinematic UniSystem. Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG is great and superhero in its own right, but I would still like to explore City of Heroes a bit. All I have is the QuickPack, which is all I see released.
I am still hard at work on the webzine idea and hope to have more news on that by this time, but it's slow-goings as I learn everything I need to know. I will be focused on digital only, exclusively at DriveThru RPG to make things as simple as possible. I will expand into other formats and markets if I see fit. I am busy with layout and design, and learning the publishing end of DTRPG.
© The Weirding, 2025
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