
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Prince Harry... an "Embarrassment" or a Man?

Now I'm not sure where this one fits. I'd say it is political and should go over to The Wording, but it's really not. The Royal family is treated like celebrities and pretty much always have been - they don't have any "real" political power anyway - so I decided to slap the lip about here:

What the living hell makes these paparazzi think they can invade peoples' personal lives and space so consistently and aggressively without at least occasional reprisal? And what the living hell gives them the right to then call these people "an embarrassment" or anything else, other than human, once they do lash out? From what I know of Prince Harry and many other celebrities who have "lashed out" at these bottom-feeders, they've been put through the wringer more than a few times, so these jerks ought to publicly laud them for not having whooped some ass more often than they have!

If these people are going to condemn their meal tickets, then why don't they grow up and get real jobs? I mean, sticking a camera in their faces on a red carpet or a public event is one thing, but laying in wait and attacking them is quite another. Further, if you weren't aware, these people don't sit passively by and snap a few pictures when they get the chance: they actively - and often aggressively - provoke and antagonize their subjects in order to get "better" pictures. They curse at them, mock them, say completely ugly and terrible things to them - the whole nine; they are actively provoking their subjects in order to get them riled-up so they can get an exciting picture and create a big story, such as this one.

And further, to close on yet another note I hear too often, what is with this magic number bit? The one guy says in this article, "This young man is not a boy anymore, he's not 18, he's 22," as though that has much of anything to do with... practically anything. The kid has led a very pampered, sheltered life - and I don't mean that in an insulting way; I mean to say that a mere four years does not necessarily make that big of a difference outside of young adolescence and the toddler stage. What other 18 or 22 or 97 year-old do you know of that had a childhood like Prince Harry (aside from his brother)?

If you want to get right down to it, how is it that anyone can defend the people who - directly, directly - led to the death of the poor guy's mother? How can anyone say he doesn't have the right to lash out at the paparazzi at least once in a while? He probably thought the guy had tripped him...

And I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that the bottom-feeder didn't.

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