
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Charmingly... Tense?

It's hard to imagine there are Charmed episodes I haven't seen at least 14 times already, but I guess there are. One was on when I wrote this, in fact. I am still working through, but Charmed was a pretty good show - when it was good.

Like I've said a thousand times before, I guess it was pretty pedestrian, but it wasn't bad for what it was. The first few seasons were really good and the last season or two were really good; the years in the middle were pretty... you could safely pass on them and not miss anything.

I don't know the whole backstory on what happened with Shannen Doherty, but from what I understand, it had more to do with producers and so forth than any sort of conflict amongst the actors. Now, all of the players are professionals, but is it just my imagination or can you kind of sense the tension in some scenes between the girls? Particularly between Doherty and Milano.

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