
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Who Do You Trust?

And so it begins:

Marvel Comics' latest "big event" - which follows a string of "big" events, all of which have been - "guaranteed to forever change the face of the Marvel Universe" begins tomorrow. Secret Invasion has been more heavily-promoted than crack, even here. They even have a new animated webisode with clues and so forth and released a free "teaser" issue with most of the history and backdrop of the Skrulls and more.

I'm sorry, but like the other "big events which will forever change the face of the Marvel Universe" over the past year or so, I'm not buying into it. DC's been doing much the same, with their 52, Final Crisis, and all that crap, and I haven't bought into any of that, either. Of course, I'm still going to bring you the PRs and hype - because it's fun, if nothing else - and I'll keep-up with it tangentially through the trades and blogs, but I'm not buying into it and I can't, in good conscience, suggest you do, either.

It may very well turn out to be the biggest event since Spider-Man's first appearance, but I somehow doubt it. Still, don't go by what I say - for readers, this may be a great investment and a really fun ride; for collectors, this may be a cash cow! But either way it goes, I'm bowing-out and I thought you should be aware of that on the front-end.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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