
Monday, June 18, 2007

Fantastic Four Tops Box Office

Yeah, I thought and thought about it, but I've already heard all the obvious ones - "Fantastic Four Surfs to Top of the Charts," "FF Rides Wave of Enthusiasm to Top of Charts" - and the only others I could think of didn't make much sense except maybe to real die-hard fans.

Anyway, the FF sequel nearly hit $60 million, sailing (aaarrggh! - had to do it) into first place quite easily, knocking Ocean's 13 to second-place, despite very mixed reviews. I hate to say it, but the only favorable reviews I've heard seem to come from folks who have some idea of the series and the concepts involved. In fact, one of the major criticisms I've heard repeated is how Silver Surfer isn't really explained and his role is left questionable. Luckily, ye olde MD can help clear that one up for you:

In one of the preview moments I saw, the absolutely drop-dead gorgeous Jessica Alba (Sue Storm, aka Miss/Mrs. Invisible) asks SS why he is doing this, to which he responds, "I have no choice." He doesn't. SS was chosen, as one is every so often, by Galactus, The Planet-Eater, to be his herald. Wherever he goes, eight days later, Galactus appears and devours the planet. Silver Surfer is basically helpless to stop this, though not always. Another of Galactus' heralds (who are granted basically limitless power) was Supernova.

Pirates slipped yet again; it hasn't done well since its big premiere. In truly Marvel-ous (aaarrggh!) news, Spider-Man 3 is still clinging (AAARRGGHH!) to #10.

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