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Saturday, April 03, 2010

Dallas Police Cite Erykah Badu

Erykah Badu stripped naked and reenacted Pres. John F. Kennedy's fatal shooting for a music video for her song, Window Seat. 32-year old Ida Espinosa claims to have been a witness to the event, along with her two children, and filed a complaint with Dallas police, who have cited Badu for "Disorderly Conduct."

Badu did not pay for a permit to shoot the video, but my guess is that a Disorderly Conduct charge carries a bigger fine ($500) than shooting a video without a permit. However, the director of the video noted that Badu was "ready to get arrested that day," and $500, while not exactly "chump-change," probably isn't a bank-breaking sum to Ms. Badu, so the publicity this has generated more than pays for it.

While I actually do understand Ms. Espinosa's position - one should be able to walk down the city streets without worrying that your young children are going to see a naked person - I also have to wonder exactly how damned stupid she is: If you saw a bunch of people with cameras filming a woman who started undressing, maybe you should have gotten your small kids the hell out of there? I mean, if her kids are even half as stupid as she is, they probably don't even know what they saw! The most damage Erykah Badu caused those kids is artificially raising their expectations - I mean, if Erykah Badu is the first chick you ever saw naked? Yeah, little Suzie Whosit and her mosquito-bites just ain't gonna measure-up.

The crackers in Texas said Badu could either fight the charges or pay the fine.

Texas recently made headlines when police, responding to a call in another apartment, overheard two men having sex and arrested them for engaging in "commie homosaxshul activ... activi... cornholin'."

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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