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Monday, February 03, 2014

Seeking Admins and Managers

Welp, it's been a week no since The Weirding went social - in a big way - and I am completely overwhelmed. Shit, I was going to knock this post out in a few minutes at like 5 this morning... it's now 3:00 in the afternoon!

That was yesterday.

Seriously, we need admins something fierce! The G+ account is actually okay; I have a guy on that and he shares stuff every once in a while. It might be nice to run it like a Facebook Page but there just aren't as many people on that network. It also has a totally different vibe, so I'm not sure how well it would go over there to be honest. Anyway, we got a guy over there and every admin has access to it, so if everyone checks in on it once in a while and contributes, it will be fine.

It's the FB Page that's so troublesome. I'm developing a system that makes it easier for one person, or just a few people, to handle it but I don't know how well it will go over. I would still prefer to have more admin to help keep things going, interact with the crowd, and help with all the other fun things associated with running a Page.

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us by sending a message to the Page directly. I'd appreciate it! Thanks.

© C Harris Lynn, 2013

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