
Friday, November 17, 2006

Tonight's TCM Underground

I finally figured out how to work my cable remote control. My folks had DirecTV and I got to know the ins and outs of that whole thing so well that neighbors would call me over to their houses to fix theirs when they wanted something set or the electricity went out and screwed up their settings, or whatever. DirecTV here would cost about $10.00 more than local cable and I'm not sure it's worth it, so I went this route.

Anyway, I figured out a lot of this system here by poking and playing around, but a few weeks back, the services went out for about a day and a half all over town. When the cable came back on, everything was fine and I thought little more about it until a few hours later, when my Guide had completely changed. Even the settings and how you access them are different, so I've had to go back through and reset all my reminders, preferences, and all that.

Anyways, I finally figured out how to check the schedules in advance. And tonight on TCM's Underground (hosted by Rob Zombie) is a Tod Browning double-feature. Browning is the one who made the cult classic Freaks, which is the first feature; Mark of the Vampire is the second one. I'm pretty sure I've seen Mark of the Vampire, but I don't recall any details off-hand. Freaks, OTOH, I've seen many times, and it is an absolute must-see for horror-loving freaks of any stripe! One of the few aptly titled movies that lives up to its name.

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