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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

While I'm Thinking About It

I almost forgot:

I know I mentioned it the other day, but we now have a little voting button for one of the directories in which we are listed. The directory bases its blogs’ popularity on the number of unique hits, as well as the votes it receives. One vote is worth something like 100 unique hits or something to that effect and every IP address can vote once a day. That means that, if you like what you read and all that, we’d love it if you could take just one extra moment to scroll down the sidebar and hit that cute, little blue button at the very bottom! Every day. Well, I mean, we'll settle for once in a while, you know.

Again, this doesn’t help us make more money or anything (would you really be against it if it did, though?), but it does make me feel good and it may even bring some new blood to the ol’ bloggy-blog, hopefully resulting in more comments and better conversations! Not that the convos we have now are bad - not at all - just that we could use more of them.

Also, don’t forget Eureka tonight and Who Wants to be a Superhero? Thursday. I have to admit I actually forgot Superhero last week and watched Supernatural - but it worked out okay, since it was one of the few I missed this past season. I do have some Supernatural news to pass along, but I am going to read the new installment of the comic book and see if it got any better - cover it all at once.

Thanks for reading and thanks for voting!

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