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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Britney's Done Gone AWOL, Y'all!


And that's no metaphor: Britney Spears has fled the country!

According to E! News, Britney Spears was seen with her thought-to-be ex- boyfriend, heading for a plane that is leaving the country for parts unknown.

A few nights/weeks ago, I heard someone say how Britney was "dating the paparazzi" and assumed it was a metaphor, but it wasn't; the ex-/maybe current boyfriend in question is, in fact, a paparazzo.

Speculation has it that Britney is fleeing before family members and concerned friends can stage another "intervention" in attempts to have her get back into mental help, rehab, and/or therapy. This comes a day after a spokesperson for the Spears family appeared on NBC's Today Show and slammed Dr. Phil McGraw for publicly suggesting the same thing after he spoke with her briefly when she was taken to Cedars-Sinai hospital last Thursday on a 5150 charge. There is no real merit to this rumor, since Britney Spears is legally an adult and no one but a judge can "force" her into psychiatric care.

Of course, little Miss Brit-Brit doesn't necessarily know that...

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

The new news on this is that she and her paparazzo boy-toy just went to Mexico for a little getaway. She wasn't "fleeing the country" after all.

But it was a lot of fun when we thought she was. Admit it.