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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Spears Family Upset at Dr. Phil

Spears Family to Dr. Phil: "Statements he made... [were] inappropriate. He was not invited to make this a public display or part of the media."

The Rundown to Spears family: "Really? No, seriously?"

For those just tuning-in, Britney Spears has completely jumped the tracks. She locked herself in a bathroom with her child a week ago and refused to come out until police had to escort her to a hospital for observation, where she spoke with TV pop-psycholgy personality, Dr. Phil McGraw, at the family's behest. Dr. Phil was planning a primetime special dealing with Britney's apparent mental/emotional issues, which he has since scrapped, and made the understatement of the year so far, when he said that our fair Brit-Brit is "in dire need of medical and psychological intervention." This is apparently what the Spears clan is upset over.

Are you effing kidding me with this shit!? Are these people serious!? Because, if they are, then we need look no further for the source of Britney's insanity.

For goodness' sake, the chick appeared at the VMAs for what should have been her big "comeback" so Zeed-out on bars that she didn't bother to lip-synch, dance, or even dress! She threw some kind of fried-chicken-eating fit at a photography session, let her infant drive the car, has yet to show-up for a court-appointment concerning her kids, had a flat tire the other night so she just left the whole damn car where it set, and married a white dude with a grill. I mean, da-ang, y'all - this chick is clearly nuts!

Do you honestly think Dr. Phil is saying anything the entire rest of the world hasn't said before, or at least been thinking for at least a year now? I honestly don't get the backlash Dr. Phil has incurred recently; at least this guy tries to help people. You might not agree with his in-your-face approach or everything he has to say, but you cannot say he only tries to profit from these peoples' misbehavior or anything like that. Further, this is all "in the media" - this stuff is in the media long before Dr. Phil hears about it! - because these morons are doing it for the media attention.

Quit laying blame and trying to absolve yourselves, Spears family: your daughter is a hot mess and it isn't getting any better. The very last thing you should be doing at this point is whitewashing her image or clouding the issue by blaming everyone else; you have grandchildren to think about - grandchildren that may end up being raised by Vanilla Ice Light if you don't get your collective shit together and do something - and fast!

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