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Friday, January 11, 2008

My Deprivation is Your Salvation

I told you I'd been having some problems sleeping the past week or two, but that isn't so unusual with my medications. Half of them cause all sorts of drowsiness, impotence, do not take with alcohol - you know, the regular list of "sleepy" effects; one or two of them cause excitability, but that one (or those two, I forget) are pretty powerful, so I usually have problems sleeping for at least a week or two every month. But for whatever reason, that appears to be over, because I have slept later and later each day since about Wednesday. I just woke up today and fell asleep around Midnight last night, so I must have been sleep-deprived.

My neck and shoulder were killing me all week long, but (knock wood) they are feeling much better this morning. I may just have needed the sleep, but I have a feeling that it was because I took so much time off recently and just got back into the swing of things earlier this week - with a vengeance.

Both Psych and Monk return tonight and they have been showing Monk in the afternoons and Psych at Midnight all week long. Of course, I didn't realize this until maybe two days ago or I would have told you. USA occasionally shows their original shows late at night just whenever, so I assumed that was what they were doing and it took me until halfway through the week to figure it out... 'cuz I are slow.

Psych can be really silly sometimes - I mean to the point of making the viewer embarrassed for them - but it's generally pretty entertaining. It toes the line between Adam Sandlerish stupidity and fairly clever '80s nostalgic references, and it usually does so pretty well, but when it misses the mark it misses it by a mile. Monk is just plain good TV.

It sometimes sucks not to have a social life, but I do get to see some great TV. Speaking of which, IFC is showing their Sunday line-up (Minor Accomplishments and The Business) on Tuesday nights and Reaper is about to return in a new timeslot - opposite IFC's Sunday night line-up...

OH! And new episodes of Supernatural start January 31st. Plus, [adult swim] has new episodes of Aqua-Teen Hunger Force, Squidbillies, and Boondocks starting this month, too! Of course, animated series writers are not usually WGA members, but I don't know how so many of these other shows are coming back with the writers' strike still in effect. I know I have been slacking on Weird Ink... pretty much since I started it, and almost got it going for a while (the holidays deterred me yet again), but I am going to actually do it right this time, so I'll bring you some more news on this front this very day. Not that there is all that much, but still.

I gave a kind of review of the new Ghost Hunters shows over to The OddBlog and I am going to watch the episodes of Paranormal State that I missed on On-Demand sometime this weekend to see how good my instincts were about the first two episodes. I have had the new issues of CBG, as well as my shipment of comics, since Christmas Eve and have barely flipped through any of them. I actually will get to those this weekend and I'm sure I'll have something to say about some of it.

Yes, my utter lack of a social life is your reading pleasure, so remember the sacrifices I have made for you when you decide to SEND ME MONEY! Seriously, I want to move. Anyway, give me just a minute to get my caffeine and nicotine pumping through my bloodstream and we'll be on our way...

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