
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Firefox 3.0 Worth the Download!

Yes, the technical computing and WWW stuff is generally handled over to The Cyberculturalist now, but there are a few reasons I am bringing you this post:
  • I thought you would appreciate it, as it improves your online experience.
  • Mozilla is trying to set a world record for most downloads in 24 hours, so your downloading the new version could help them do just that.
  • I just upgraded and really like it so far!
So, with all that out of the way, let me admit that I've only had it for all of maybe 10 minutes and haven't done much, so this is not really a "review," I just wanted to let you know it is available and that it's obviously an improvement over the previous releases.

For one, it is much faster - and even my old-hand Nerdity really didn't "compute" a browser's coding with overall speed for no real reason. I know that bloated coding slows performance, but Firefox 3.0 is so much faster that it... I just never equated the two for no good reason. I bring this all up because, aside from the vibrancy of the colors, this is the first thing you'll notice.

Speaking of graphics... what can I say? This is the best resolution I've ever seen! Again, when I think of these performance issues, I tend to think of hardware and drivers, etc.; I really didn't know a single piece of software (excepting the drivers, etc.) could make this big a difference! But, man! - what a difference! The images are crisper, the colors more vibrant, the resolution more... resolute (?) - it's fascinating, actually. I got caught-up just checking out the blog.

Anyway, so long as my hand holds-up, I'll likely be up a bit, nerding-out!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008
Zemanta Pixie

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