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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Liefeld's Return to Youngblood Sells-Out in Less Than 12 Hours!

Youngblood #8 - 2nd-Printing25 February 2009 (Berkeley, CA) - Rob Liefeld's return to YOUNGBLOOD with President Barack Obama exploded with a nearly instantaneous sell-out despite a very significant over print.

"WOW! It's very exciting and a great honor to come back and the result be an instant sell-out for the book! I'd also like to thank President Obama for picking such a great new line up for YOUNGBLOOD, obviously he has the magic touch," said Liefeld. "That said, YOUNGBLOOD #8 is just the prelude to a much larger story. If you liked it, you're going to be blown away by the next issue in May. Given YOUNGBLOOD's status as a government sanctioned superteam, you can bet on our nation's newest President being involved from the very beginning!"

The YOUNGBLOOD appearance by President Obama marks the very beginning of Liefeld's return to his seminal creation. Starting in May, Rob will return to the book in full force, full-time, as he takes over the writing and illustrating duties to present a whole new direction for the team. This news comes on the heels of mega-director Brett Ratner (X-MEN 3, RUSH HOUR) announcing he'll be taking the reins of the upcoming YOUNGBLOOD feature film.

YOUNGBLOOD #8 2nd-Printing, a 32-page full color comic book for $2.99, will be in-stores March 11th, 2009

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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