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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New Blogger, New WoW Patch, 31 Days of Horror Returns!

Hi guys (and gals and all permutations thereof)! As you might have noticed, I've been kind of busy behind the scenes here, reexamining some of the communities and directories to which we belong(ed) as well as some of the sites, podcasts, blogs, and resources to which we link; I have high standards even if I'm lax in enforcing them.

I have also decided to do 31 Days of Horror again this year since I actually completed it last year. Any longtime readers still left around these parts may recall the lengthy list of failures there. I tried to do this unsuccessfully several years in a row then finally managed to get it right last year, despite writing reviews at a fevered pace right up to the last minute. That was kind of fun, actually. So I decided to do it again because I am apparently a glutton for punishment or something. And I actually want to see how well I perform under pressure again.

However, not quite as stupid as I come across in print or on the phone or IRL (let's face it: That would be impressive!), I have recruited some help this year - and for the rest of the year, to boot!

Christine Senter has been a personal friend of mine for several years now. I first met her on a defunct blogging community site and we hit it off. I also really enjoy her writing and think you will too. So, when I asked her if she'd like to review some horror titles for 31 Days of Horror and she told me she didn't really like horror flicks, I said, "Why don't you just write about whatever you want?" And she said, "Okay."

So please give her a warm welcome and get ready for a much-needed female perspective around these parts while I pick up my clothes, get all these food-laden plates off the floor, and turn off my World of Warcraft.

Oh! Which, by the way, just released the latest patch, meaning I will be away for a bit.

© C Harris Lynn, 2013

1 comment:

Sapheyerblu said...

Awww, thanks honey. You are just way too cool.
I'll do whatever I can to make your site look cool, oh, and you too. :)