Sorry for missing the last two weeks, youse guise. Week before last, my computer died and the backup apparently went bonkers while in storage (possibly due to humidity, heat, or something similar - no idea) but I don't know that it would have mattered anyway because it's been so long since I used it that I don't know if it would even be able to handle streaming.
Last night the entire area - over 2000 residents, according to the power company representative with whom I spoke - lost power for some four hours. Technically, this happened several hours before we were scheduled to go on, but I still say it was divine providence.
Now for the good news! I am, this very week (later today, actually, following some price-shopping), ordering a new laptop! So, even if the power should go kaput on us in the future, the show should still go on as long as the phonelines and DSL remain working.
I am also going to spend some time today scheduling the next several weeks' worth of shows and making some contacts who may hopefully be able to help us bring you a better show in the future.
As always, we would thank you for your continued support, but... come on! I mean, come on.
© The Weirding, 2014
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