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Thursday, November 21, 2024

Monstrum Index for Buffy/Angel RPG

Monstru Index

I do not like most of Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG's write-ups for non-vampires, and so have changed (or am changing) most of them. Let's face it: Their Balthazar and Sid, the Talking Puppet, are simply uninspired - just to take two examples off the top of my head. Furthermore, that dragon belonged in Charmed and still makes no sense in Buffy. I'm glad they included it, though, given that Army of Darkness is a good introduction to d10 Medieval. Regardless of that, the dragon leaves a lot to be desired, too. This list includes the vampires, and is merely a page index where you can find all of these Menaces. I even threw-in the Dragon!

Ghost - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roleplaying Game (BRPG), p.184
Dark Ones Cultists - Army of Darkness (AoD), p.222
Zombie - BRPG, p.184; MS, p.62-63
Werewolf - BRPG, p.181; MS, p.65
Basic, Strongarm Toughguys - Monster Smackdown (MS), p.75
Mummy - MS, p.61
Poltergeist - MS, p.57
Wendigo - Slayer's Handbook (SH), p.79,83-85
Snake Warriors - SH, p.101
Goblins - Ghosts of Albion, p.183
Hobgoblins - Ghosts of Albion (GoA), p. 183
Spriggans - GoA, p.183
Pixies - GoA, p.184
Troll (6-pt. Quality) - Monster Smackdown, pp.138-139
Olaf, the Troll - Monster Smackdown, pp.118-119
Big-Assed Spider

Vampires - Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG Core
Brand-New Vampire, p.169
Vampire Mercenary - Director's Screen, p.52
Vampire Minion, p.170
Vampire Veteran, p.170
Vampire Lieutenant, p.171
Vampire Heavy, p.171

Deadite - AoD, p.161
Demon Gangsta - Angel the Roleplaying Game (ARPG), p.80
Demon Thug - ARPG, p.197
Flying Deadite - AoD, p.162
Flying Demon - AoD, p.221
Fyarl (Brute Demons) - MS, p.40-41
+ Natural Armor AV 2

Dragon - MS, p.39-40
+ Natural Armor 10, Breathe Fire 35 LP (Major), Claw 35 (Major), Tail 20 (Minor), Flight

Basically all (with the possible exceptions of Monstri like Mummies) speak Monstrum, which is Common for Menaces, also known as the Dark Tongue. Each has a 35% chance of Lang: Ancient except Dragon, which has Lang: Ancient. The Fyarl and Dragon also have 1 Lore: Dæmonology.

© The Weirding, 2024

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