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Wednesday, January 08, 2025

The Weirding Webzine

Everything is subject to change, but I am starting a webzine. The blog will continue, as will the blog @RPGGeek, and both will continue to be free as long as the controlling entities decide they are (over which I've no control), but I've never done this for the money and so have never made any money. This webzine is meant to not only recoup some of these costs I've put into this fine hobby, but also allow me to bring you content for which blogs and websites are less well-suited - such as tables, charts, and quality art scans.

A general price range of $3.99-4.99 has been decided for roughly 25 pages in (at this time) PDF only. I may use KickStarter under the advice of other creators, but will also be using DTRPG (hopefully). Depending on the success, I will invest in better software and equipment to up the production value but will keep the price range as long as the page count remains roughly the same. I am basing this cost on the current price of comic books, and may even engage in a little cartoonery myself.

Nothing in this 'zine will be AI-generated or -enhanced. That may not be a good thing, since I am the sole creator. I reached-out to others in hopes of collaborating, but it's the Internet... that has never worked out before, so I didn't have high hopes for it working this time and was not disappointed. I can include tables and charts without a bunch of formatting problems in a desktop publishing atmosphere, and charging a small amount for the extra information, original art, and labor involved seems pretty fair.

Along with tons of never-before-seen content, I will be editing and reformatting the stuff that was previously on The Weirding website and supporting a lot of older games, not unlike I do here. Newer product and content, not so much (because I haven't played it). This goes all the way down to retro-reviews of games, comics, books, movies, and TV shows you may love or might have missed. Anything that has appeared here or elsewhere that makes it into the 'zine will be significantly expanded, as I'll have more room and formatting play to do so, so just consider what is posted here to be a teaser for more in-depth articles and feature presentations I hope to bring you within the 'zine.

If I do Kickstarter, it will be at the lowest goal without any tier bonuses, and the 'zine will be published even if I am not popular enough to garner the meager amount I hope for - which would be embarrassing, but here we go...

Note, not unlike this blog and my other products, this 'zine is aimed at old-school grognards and neckbeards like myself - metalheads and burnouts who just so happen to enjoy tabletop roleplaying games. If you do not count yourself as one of us, I still hope you give it a shot! You never know what you might find that you can use in your next gaming session, including older games you might not even know exist and can be gotten for very reasonable prices these days!

I know this is dry, but Kickstarter has a promotion which starts in February, so I'm a little pressed for time. I'll be posting previews and works-in-progress along the way so you get an idea of what you'll be getting.

© The Weirding, 2025

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