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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lindsay's Done Gone Down Again

Calm down guys - that’s not where I’m going with this.

Lindsay Lohan has been arrested again - that’s right, just five days after being released from “rehab” and booked on charges of DUI! She refused to take a Breathalizer, but failed the “walk the line” test and CNN reports that she was found in possession of cocaine.

According to many of the gossip sites, Lohan was chasing another car when she was pulled over. No one knows if it was her Dope Main, Hilary Duff, or an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend... or even one of her parents. Lohan posted bond and is once again free to roam the streets.

It really is sad, but I think the most important thing to point out is the three-strike rule. I’m not 100% sure they have that in Cali, but, Lindsay? As your future ex-boyfriend, I’m putting my foot down, girly! You don’t need “rehab,” you need a firm spanking.

And maybe a little light bondage.

(Call me!)

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