
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Google PR: wtf?!

Well, apparently, this whole Google PageRank thing caught a lot of people by surprise. But I still don't quite get the whole thing because, like I said, while several of them are returning a "0" for PR, when you go deeper into them, they list the "Real PR" as still being 3...


I have no idea. It isn't as though I don't take PR seriously, but I just finished reading an article about this very thing, where the author tells you not to take it lightly, then admits it isn't that big a deal, then reminds you to take it seriously... wtf? And while The Weirding is returning a 0, it really shouldn't and I am still somehow getting 1 and 2 on other sites. It's a real mindbender. Like the guy in the article said, his main site has been at a PR 6 for years and it suddenly dropped to a 4. And then he ended with, "The day Google gives its own site a PageRank of PR1 or PR2 instead of the current PR10 - that's the day you can dismiss PageRank as truly meaningless." Well, um, how does that work? That seems to me to be the day you can actually trust it!

At any rate, so long as people are reading and I'm still enjoying it, it's worth it. It still sucks that it's returning 0 and some of the sponsors have backed-out on us - many without even bothering to notify us! But, you know what I always say when confronted with such a situation:

Eff 'em; line 'em up and eff 'em all.

Besides, guys, if everyone has been hit as hard by this thing as I was, then you're going to run out of good bloggers very quickly...


Manodogs said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the author of this particular article mentioned how Google was apparently "penalizing" people who sell links on their sites... GOOGLE SELLS LINKS ON THEIR EFFING SITE!

It isn't "penalizing" us so much as "victimizing"! How is it that Google is going to penalize the rest of us for doing the very same thing it does? How are we supposed to make money; if we pay for our domains and hosting, we have every effing right to do whatever the hell we want on them! That's part of the reason I'm moving this blog to the domain and considering moving away from Blogger altogether.

But with all the problems they've had with FTP and everything else lately - especially since we went up in PR at the first of this whole update and then plummeted. Like I said, I'll give it a week or so... but I'm pretty pissed-off that more of the sponsors didn't think to do the same.

Oh, and by the by - not for nothing, just wanted to point it out - several of the ads running on both this blog and the website are from...

Google AdSense!

Shock and awe!

Why don't you comment here, Google, and explain to us all exactly how this works? Cuz I think I understand it: we can only sell Google links... or else!

Manodogs said...

Here you go: this article succinctly spells the whole thing out in great detail. Really interesting blog, too. I love finding well-written blogs and I hate that more people have gone through this same thing. I left a post on there, discussing how I hope Google gets the backlash it deserves for this blatant abuse and extortion, but since he has comments moderated, I'm not sure if he will decide to publish it.

But fear not, I'm far from through with this whole thing.