Hey, you nerds!
How's life on the other side of the screen? It's been topsy-turvy here. I had a sick cat which cost me a nice chunk o' change to fix (well, she's acting like she feels better, but she still has a tube in her side), then a HUGE, truly awesome, thunderstorm killed the Vista box and all I am hoping for right now is that I can get the data off the hard drive; my folk's basement is literally divided into two rows - box after stacked box of my shit parts the entire room (and it's a big room!)...
But that's not why I'm writing you: because of the slump in online advertising, I was forced to take a job writing copy. It's fairly lucrative, if you don't have high standards; that is to say, it allows me to essentially provide for myself with a little leftover (sometimes) for whatever - like comic books and MST3K tapes. This has obviously left me with less time to spend here.
But I love blogging, and especially blogging about comic books, D&D and RPGs, Americana and pop-culture and all of the stuff we cover here, so I'm not going anywhere. It's just going to be a bit slower for a bit.
What "free" time I have is spent working on the website. Oddly, I had gotten about as far with the site 2-3 years ago when the XP box crashed... Maybe some great something/someone is trying to tell me something?
© C Harris Lynn, 2009
Maybe a great something/someone is trying to change your entire universe FOREVER. Which in comic book time would be a year at the absolute most. That's about how long Captain stayed "dead". And I'll bet that by the time "Blackest Night " is done Bruce Wayne will be back from the "dead" as well.
I wonder if I merit one of those second-printing holofoil variant covers?
At the very least. You could even go retro and get an embossed cover like they did on every other comic in the '90s.
I haven't read any of the Marvel Zombies, but I wonder if they played on the dying/never dying theme? Because, technically speaking - linguistically, I suppose I should say - many of the big name, "Class A," supes could be called "undead"...
As shitty as these last two years have been to me - screw it, let's say the last five - I want an embossed, holofoil cover, pre-bagged with a trading card!
Or a break; just give me even a short - no, make that moderate - run of good luck, you know? Just let things go my way for at least the next couple-three years, at the very, very least. I'd ask for 10 or more, but I'll take what I can get...
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