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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Work Week

Hey, you nerds!

How's life on the other side of the screen? It's been topsy-turvy here. I had a sick cat which cost me a nice chunk o' change to fix (well, she's acting like she feels better, but she still has a tube in her side), then a HUGE, truly awesome, thunderstorm killed the Vista box and all I am hoping for right now is that I can get the data off the hard drive; my folk's basement is literally divided into two rows - box after stacked box of my shit parts the entire room (and it's a big room!)...

But that's not why I'm writing you: because of the slump in online advertising, I was forced to take a job writing copy. It's fairly lucrative, if you don't have high standards; that is to say, it allows me to essentially provide for myself with a little leftover (sometimes) for whatever - like comic books and MST3K tapes. This has obviously left me with less time to spend here.

But I love blogging, and especially blogging about comic books, D&D and RPGs, Americana and pop-culture and all of the stuff we cover here, so I'm not going anywhere. It's just going to be a bit slower for a bit.

What "free" time I have is spent working on the website. Oddly, I had gotten about as far with the site 2-3 years ago when the XP box crashed... Maybe some great something/someone is trying to tell me something?

© C Harris Lynn, 2009


Anonymous said...

Maybe a great something/someone is trying to change your entire universe FOREVER. Which in comic book time would be a year at the absolute most. That's about how long Captain stayed "dead". And I'll bet that by the time "Blackest Night " is done Bruce Wayne will be back from the "dead" as well.

Manodogs said...

I wonder if I merit one of those second-printing holofoil variant covers?

Anonymous said...

At the very least. You could even go retro and get an embossed cover like they did on every other comic in the '90s.

Manodogs said...

I haven't read any of the Marvel Zombies, but I wonder if they played on the dying/never dying theme? Because, technically speaking - linguistically, I suppose I should say - many of the big name, "Class A," supes could be called "undead"...

As shitty as these last two years have been to me - screw it, let's say the last five - I want an embossed, holofoil cover, pre-bagged with a trading card!

Or a break; just give me even a short - no, make that moderate - run of good luck, you know? Just let things go my way for at least the next couple-three years, at the very, very least. I'd ask for 10 or more, but I'll take what I can get...