
Sunday, April 08, 2007


Well, talk about being out of the loop and missing the boat. I came up a day late and a dollar short on seeing Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon the Movie Film for Theaters (ATHF: MFFT) when they showed it in its entirety during the [adult swim] block last week. Didn't hear anything about it until earlier, when I saw a commercial for it.

I told you I'd given up on [as] for the time being. They were showing the same old crap for several weeks there and I was only tuning in to catch SGC2C and Frisky Dingo, so - of course - they pulled a coup and showed the whole film April 1st. Just to spite me, to mock me.

At any rate, ATHF: MFFT will be in theaters next weekend - starting Friday the 13th. As usual with [as], you never can tell what they're going to do until it's actually done and they may regret having done this in this manner. In general, I think they did it intentionally to "weed-out" the fanboys from the die-hard fanatics (keepin' it real in the hood, y'all), but it may blow up in their faces this time. After all, I haven't heard anything about it in the blogosphere nor anywhere else until tonight and I really am a die-hard fan... of the earlier seasons. And one week before opening is a little late to start promotions.

ATHF: MFFT is rated R.

On a further note, I did catch most of [as] tonight and they mixed in some of the better dramas/anime with the comedy shows and I really enjoyed it. I've always wondered why they kept them separate instead of mixing them together, which I think makes for a better block o programming.

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