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Monday, June 04, 2007

I'm Just Plain Tired of Paris and Rosie

So Paris Hilton went to jail last night and that's pretty much been on every news channel and talk show in America, all day long. And the funniest thing about it all - well, not funny, ha-ha, but more ironic - is that basically everyone of these people have said a variation on the same thing: how we're all so interested in someone who hasn't really done anything for society and is such a horrible role model for young women, etc. Well, the simple fact of the matter is that we aren't half as interested as the talking heads! Don't you just love how they do report after report after report, then question why the viewing audience is so interested in those reports? We're not! It's just ridiculous.

And Rosie O'Donnell is still making news, today for comparing fame to crank. Who cares?! What is so remarkable about that? After everyone has talked about how addictive fame is, is it so controversial to compare it to an addictive drug? Well, no. No, it's not.

I can't stand how these news people, who are the ones making all this nonsense news to begin with, blame it on the viewing audience. Yeah, we're all so interested in seeing Paris being driven to jail that we waited outside the jail to get a look. Oh wait - no, we didn't - y'all did!

With all the things going on in the world, how is it that our news is completely covered with these two people who really aren't that damned newsworthy to begin with?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love it!!!!! Never have truer words been banged out on a keyboard.

I rightly don't give a rat's a** when the airhead went to jail, and I've had just about enough of Rosie's holier-than-thou attitude.

Right on, my man. Right on!!