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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What's the Frequency, Kenneth?

I purposely wait for news items to blow over for, oh, just so many reasons.

Dan Rather is a liar.

Once? Some guy they railroaded figured out that Dan Rather was a liar and walked right up to the sonofabitch and put a big ol' Heavy Hand across his face.

I don't condone violence - in fact, I speak out against it at every possible point - but Dan Rather is a liar.

I don't condone sexism, bitches.

But do you see how I stacked this entry?

News journalism is a tiered situation: you put the point first, then follow with supportive information. That, according to people like Dan Rather, gives them The Right to lie to you. Accordingly, you'll only read the headlines. And, obvi - okay? - so we do!; it's very obvi that people like Dan Rathers still run the news.

Do I think Rathers is sexist? No, not by any means; Katie Couric has more man-parts than my left nut. But I know he's a liar.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Rathers said the news shouldn't be "tarted-up," and I really don't think that was a slam against women; I think that was a slam against gays. See, Dan Rather was the first guy to release the Richard Speck "porno" videos. On national TV. Like 3-4 times an hour on his newscasts.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Rathers has said a whole lot of shit over the years; just shit. His counterparts, on other networks, were very well organized, very well composed (at times), very well researched. Rathers produced fake documents alleging that Pres. Bush started a war which was completely unfounded. Like, All Day.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Katie Couric's a bonafide asshole, Mr. Rather. If you have something to say, please do so.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?


catlady said...

LOL! MD, I wish you would just speak your mind once in a while. No need to pussy-foot around - what do you really think about Dan Rather?

Catlady aka Pussy Willow

Manodogs said...

Angry, drunken rants built this country!