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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Fun with Drugs


So I told you the other day that I finally got some decent pain pills to combat my Degenerative Disc Disease and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - about four years after I started seeing doctors for it, mind you, so - it wasn't like a big party or anything.

Anyway, I had been complaining that they were making me "jumpy" and I felt like I had to be up doing something, and a neighbor said that the pills they gave me tend to do that - it's one of their side-effects. Then she gave me a small, blue thingy and said it would help. "After all," she explained, "you need to be resting, anyway."

The pill was small - it was a tiny, little thing - and it was blue, so how much harm could it really do, right? Besides, it was a Friday, it was hot, and I got no job, so...

I woke up about 11:30 this morning.

On the upside, I'm really not hurting. And since I don't need to take my pain medicine today, I am able to drink. Copiously.

Still - really kids, if someone offers you something and you don't know what it is, just say "no." It's always the best thing to do. Unless it's a Friday and you ain't got no job and... no, seriously. Just say no.

1 comment:

sapheyerblu said...


Haven't you ever heard the term, dynomite comes in small packages?

My dad was on a lot of meds a few years back. One night, I had one of my headaches and nothing was stopping it, so my dad gave me one of his little pills. I believe it was also blue, but after taking it, I no longer had a headache. For that matter, I felt no pain of any kind. I could have cut my foot off, and wouldn't have felt it.

M.O.D. is right, if you don't know what it is, just say no. Even if you know what it is, and know what it will do, still just say no. And if you need someone to check it out for you, ask M.O.D. LOL