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Saturday, August 11, 2007


MAJOR gaffe:

We recently reported some news on casting changes in our favorite horror TV show (since Hex is over... for now [hint]) and we entitled it "Smallville News."

Now, Smallville is a great show - one of the few great shows still on TV - but since it comes on before Supernatural and I was probably dru... thinking about it, I mistitled the post. Supernatural deserves better than that and I would like to apologize.

I make a lot of mistakes here because I rely on other news sources and they report what they hear before they check their facts. This was not one of those cases; this was a brain-to-finger case where I was just not completely there. I do not get press-releases from WB; I read this from another source and the error lays with me.

Supernatural is the best thing on TV and they are bringing in new cast members. I reported on that a while back and mistakenly mistitled the post. My sincerest apologies go out to all the cast members, producers, PR folk, and everyone involved.

Shit happens.

Of course, including me on the PR releases roster could alleviate all this confusion. While we're on the subject? A few guest-appearances from the cast of Hex wouldn't hurt.

I'm just saying.

Honestly, guys, I have taken on a whole lot of projects recently and I don't always get the chance to double-check what I do and no one is there to do it for me, so I really am sorry.

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