
Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Speakeasy

Okay, I got The Speakeasy back up, even though there isn't much to see just yet. Turns out the old package doesn't play so well with the new host, but the new host has a kind of built-in package that worked fine. I just got it up earlier and played with it for a few hours - mostly administrative stuff behind-the-scenes - and I didn't want to change too much before I find out exactly what it all does. Basically, there aren't any real forums up and the theme is just OTR, but things will change shortly.

At the very least, I'll have the forums back up, even if they don't look very good. With everything else going on, I can't say when I will have the theme and everything else set up, but it is one of my priorities. I told you how much trouble I had with getting the Frisky Dingo interview up, so I'm not going to give you any sort of ETA on this project, but it is on the agenda.

All you can really do right now is re-join. You are welcome to post in the temporary forum, but I will most likely end up deleting it, so...

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