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Thursday, June 04, 2009

David Carradine Dead in Bangkok

Kung Fu and Kill Bill star, David Carradine, has been found dead in his hotel room in Bangkok. According to reports, Carradine did not show up for a cast and crew meal. A maid found his body in his room that morning.

While reports are confusing and little is being said, it is believed that Carradine, aged 72, hanged himself to death with a cord used by the room's curtains. Police say there were no signs of assault, and it is believed he committed suicide.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009


Manodogs said...

Carradine's death continues to draw questions as more details emerge:

Carradine was said to be found naked in his closet. Soon, reports emerged that the actor's testicles were tied with the same cord which was wrapped around his throat. Other reports noted his hands were bound behind his back, but later reports omit this.

Carradine's family stringently disagrees with any suicide finding and eyewitness reports, including those from hotel staff, say the actor was in good spirits the night before being found. No note was found and the actor had several projects lined-up. He was in Bangkok shooting a movie.

One popular theory, and one which has been mentioned by Bangkok authorities involved in the investigation, is that Carradine died from auto-erotic asphyxiation. Lending possible credence to this theory is his 2003 divorce proceeding, in which his ex-wife accused him of unspecified "deviant sexual behavior."

Bangkok police are still "investigating."

Manodogs said...

After Carradine's family asked the FBI to get involved and called for another autopsy, Dr. Michael Baden - the one you see on all the HBO Autopsy specials - the defacto celebrity autopsy investigator, said Carradine's death was not a suicide, but did not elaborate.

Carradine's brothers, both of whom have shared the screen with the late TV star of 1970's show, Kung-Fu, held a press conference limited to those from the AP, in which they read sentences from Dr. Baden's report and asked the press and public to allow them to lay David Carradine to rest, but refused to ask questions.

Dr. Baden said the autopsy was only one part of the investigation and more information is needed before the cause of death can be determined. FBI field officers stationed in the region will be allowed to follow the case, but Thai officials have refused a request allowing them to get involved.

A finding other than suicide does not indicate foul play in and of itself; American authorities rule death by sexual misadventure "accidental." However, family members have said they believe foul play was involved. Later reports indicate Carradine's wrists may also have been tied.

A gruesome photograph was released and run in a Thai newspaper. Authorities believe the it a leaked forensics photo.

Manodogs said...

Hundreds attended the funeral for actor David Carradine, held some 10 days after his body was discovered. Stars in attendance included Tom Selleck, Daryl Hannah, and Kill Bill co-star, Lucy Liu.

Only invited guests were allowed into the funeral and the burial was hidden from cameras.

The investigation into the actor's death continues.

You can leave your condolences on the actor's official home page.