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Friday, August 08, 2008

IT = Nerd Snobbery

Of course, I am far from the first person to notice this - everyone from SNL to... well, everyone knows this - but I wanted to go on record as saying IT suck. Seriously.

You know, most IT do not even have college educations. They like to talk like they do - they like to treat you like you are a retarded 8-year old on Ritalin and they are the Oracle's go-to guys - but most IT professionals simply have their "certs," or certifications. I'm taking nothing away from them; getting certified certainly requires a lot of study and knowledge, as well as an outlay of some serious cash that is not refunded if you fail the test(s); I'm just pointing out that they are trade school graduates, not post-Grad Christian missionaries doing God's work in the Holy Land.

I am still waiting for the domain registration to switch-over to the new provider. I put in all the appropriate orders, codes, and authorizations Monday. They said then it takes 5-7 days to go through, but I never thought it would actually take 5-7 days for it to go through.

"Well, if they told you that, then what did you expect?"

Well, let me explain:

See, like most people/companies, an ETA of 5-7 days generally means seven days at the latest. I fully expected the process to be completed within 4-5 days. I mean, it's not like these jackasses have to actually build anything or anything so complicated; all they have to do is enter some information into a computer, telling it to change a few strings of data. After that, it takes 2-3 days for the servers across the Web to catch-up. So I figured that's what the "5-7 days" was all about: an hour or two to dick-around before they enter the information, then 2-3 days for it to all go through. Make sense?

I thought so too.

Now, they're telling me it's only been four days... since Monday. IT hours, I guess; that's the New Math - IT Math.

So I have no website and probably won't have it until Monday.

And can't receive press releases and so forth in that time. I don't know if they'll just be dropped or if they'll be on the servers when The Weirding comes back, so I apologize to everyone.

There's really no other way I could have done this that would have avoided all this, is what I'm saying. Had I done all of this a month ago, it might have gone smoother, but I would have had to soak like $30. Not to mention I tried to do this last month and kept getting these condescending ITs who were giving me conflicting information - every, last one of them was like, "Well, of course we can do that" and "Um, no. No, we do not do that."


Anyway... just wanted to add my name to the very long list of people who is completely not impressed with any IT, ever.

Oh! And while we're on the subject, I am receiving spam just fine.

Way to go, you effing Nerds!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008


Anonymous said...

These days it really shouldn't take more than three days for that whole process to happen including DNS propagation.

Which makes me think that they just didn't do anything for the first 3 days.

Manodogs said...

Thank you! It's not just me, right?