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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Action Comics #1 Brings Over $300k at Auction!

Action Comics #1
Action Comics #1
The copy of the ultra-rare Action Comics #1, the comic book which introduced the world to Superman and the concept of the superhero, which we told you about a few weeks ago, sold at $317,200 at auction. The auction drew 89 bidders and neither the seller nor buyer have been named. Action Comics #1 debuted in the summer of 1938 with a cover price of 10¢.

There are thought to be only 100 copies of the comic book still in existence. The guy who auctioned this one off bought it
for 35¢ a few years after it hit newsstands. He forgot about it until his mother came across it in her basement back in 1966. He held onto it, in the hopes that it would be worth something one day. The issue's condition was listed only as "Unrestored," but the owner predicted it would fetch $400k.

Superman ("Supes") is arguably the most popular and/or recognizable superhero character/property in the world and has appeared in every popular medium since his debut in Action Comics #1.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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