
Friday, August 11, 2006

Just checking In

I am working on the rest of the Organization series (and still editing the original post), but everything's in the drafting stages right now and I don't want to post it before I get it pretty workable, because then people will check it out before it's really good and not know it has changed when they come back. I was going to wait to post the first bit, but went on just because I hadn't posted anything else.

Hex is over for the season. Not coming back until 2007. I have no idea what I'm going to do between now and then. None. I'm digging on Who Wants to be a Superhero? But it's going to be over in another week or two, as well. I'll prolly go back to drinking. Ho hum.

I do have an excuse for my sloth, though: my neck and my back. And my shoulder. And my knee. It's true, they are all fubared. It's from sitting, cross-legged, in this office chair and sleeping on a bed of nails. Actually, my bed is more like the razorwire from that scene in Suspiria, but why pick nits? And I digress...

I've also been spending some time finding new and quality sponsors. I link to a lot of stuff (often), but I always like it when people do that. I mean, why read someone's ramblings on this or that if you don't really know what they're talking about?

Oh, and I've got mice. And they're not afraid of me. If I had the money for the pet deposit, I'd already have a cat. In fact, there are several, little kittens wandering around the neighborhood lately. I mean little, bitty ones! I think the cat across the street had them.

Anyway, I was just checking in. I have a lot of work to do and I'll get cracking on it tonight and tomorrow, I promise!