
Friday, February 16, 2007

Sci-Fi Night on TCM!

Well, it certainly appears that TCM's Underground has run its course. The last week or two of its existence, it played without Rob Zombie -- in fact, it had no host at all -- and that was a few weeks back. I'm surprised they even attempted the project and sorry it didn't work out as planned, but while it was on, we got a look at some pretty good fare from the Turner library, so it was fun while it lasted.

As I posted the other day, this month is their "31 Days of Oscar" and they've been showing some great flicks all month long! Tonight is another spectacular sci-fi line up, starting off with Close Encounters of the Third Kind, then Men in Black, and finally, Logan's Run. Personally, 

I found MiB absolutely stupid and couldn't sit through the whole thing, and I've never seen the other two (I know, I know -- it seems nearly blasphemous to admit, but it's true -- I won't watch movies I'd like to see on network TV when they are all chopped-up and edited for content, and so I've missed a lot of classics along the way). After that, they switch to westerns, which will play throughout tomorrow until primetime.

Their primetime schedule tomorrow night includes Tommy and Shaft, then Poltergeist late night, and Sunday brings a bunch of musicals. TCM is definitely one of the places to be this weekend, all month long!

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