
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Shooting Begins on King's Mist

Growing up, I was a huge Stephen King fan. I really got into him in highschool and rapidly devoured everything of his I could get my hands on. The Shining was my favorite book for years and I read it several times over (though now that I'm older, I cannot read it anymore -- having since met and known a lot of jerk alcoholics like Jack Torrance, I cannot relate to him at all and feel absolutely no pity or empathy toward him, so it's just unreadable), I also loved It and Misery and several others. Rage was a seminal book and easily one of my favorites - so much so, in fact, that I made my 10th-grade English teacher read it and she even agreed it was good!

The Mist is a novella that was included in the collection, Skeleton Crew, and is -- far and away -- King's best work ever. I had no idea it was being made into a movie, but it makes perfect sense. It was one of his more cinematic stories, to say the least, and the general underlying message is very apt for our modern times, even though it was written nearly 30 years ago by now (at least 20 -- it was a long time ago, either way).

Marcia Gay Harden will star and shooting began this week in Louisiana. Why Louisiana, I've no idea, because the original setting was definitely Northern, but it won't make a big difference either way. I'm assuming they did it to boost the economy there after the devastation Katrina brought.


catlady said...

Cool! I'm a die-hard Stephen King fan. I need to dig out "Skeleton Crew" and re-read it because it's been so many years I can't remember it.

IntricateGirl said...

I love The Mist. And yeah, Rage was good, but I liked The Long Walk better. Actually, all of the Richard Bachman ones were excellent.

Manodogs said...

The only one I didn't care for was the one about the house - where the guy was holding-out against the government or whatever. I liked the theme, it just wasn't a very interesting story.

Thinner is actually a great book, too!